Friday, 3 July 2020

Babycare Bath time

Babycare Bath time

Baby Wearing White Red and Black T Shirt

A new baby is a big challenge and an awesome responsibility!  A baby is the greatest gift that you can ever have! Your child is your living legacy, your bloodline the continuing of your family tree! Your baby should be your pride and joy! The apple of your eye!  Babies are precious!  Babies are defenseless and helpless creatures.  Our job is to nurture, protect, and raise them to become productive adult human beings.  They are our future.  Raise them to pay backward and forward.  That paves the way for their future generation while taking care of the previous generation (older parents) when they/we too become old, senile, or just helpless.  
I have raised two beautiful babies, they are now two productive grown young men.  I was raised by two beautiful parents, both have passed on. I returned my love by being one of the ones who took care of my Dad in his last days.  Our Dad took care of our Mom her last days.  The beautiful part was the awesome love and assistance the grandchildren and their spouses played in taking care of Dad/Granddad.  When Dad had to have his personal hygiene changed, he sheepishly looked up at my eldest brother and said (with dad's unique humor)” This is payback."  All my brother could do is laugh.  I have taken care of the parent’s page on this site at
When you bring your bundle of joy home from the hospital you may be given a packet of literature with parents magazines included along with coupons.  Do take the time to read the magazines that are included in your hospital packet it will give you a wealth of knowledge of information very interesting to read. It will well worth your time reading it. If it is in your budget subscribe to at least a year’s subscription to a parenting magazine. 
Your New Arrival!
This tiny little bundle is placed into your hands!  Those bright eyes look at you it is love at first sight!  To the mom's you know that your baby has heard your voice, your heartbeat, and experienced your every emotion.  Baby ate what you ate.  Actually baby got his/hers first then you got what was left.  That is why it is important for you to follow a sensible diet while pregnant.  It has been noted that if you don't get enough calcium baby will take from your teeth and bones to get his calcium to develop.   Now that baby is here how I take care of this tiny little creature.  Perfect tiny little toes eyes ears nose!  What do I do?  Actually, your maternal instants do and will kick in don’t worry.  When my boys were small I hardly slept the first six weeks of their life making sure they were breathing through the night. Do you put the baby on his stomach to sleep?  Do you put him on his back to sleep?  One thing I must say, never, ever put the baby in the bed with you to sleep. 
When I was employed, in my field of work I had a client who had just had a new baby, I added the baby to her case. From all indications, she appeared to be a good mother. I felt that I may have known her family, grandparents, because of her Surname (last name) I never pressed the issue to see if I knew any of her relatives.  On my last day of work, someone from our intake staff came to tell me that the baby's grandmother was in for burial for the new baby.   What the grandmother had told my colleague my client had the baby sleeping in bed with her.  She had rolled over onto the baby in her sleep and suffocated the baby.  My heart went out to the family.    I had just had my on the job injury and was waiting to be taken to the state clinic.  Even in that moment of my pain, I was awash with grief for my client.
 I cannot stress it enough never ever place a newborn baby in the bed to sleep with you.  
Bath Time
This time is really bonding time for you and baby.  Of course there is the baby bathtub which is essential to bathe baby in.  Gather everything you need first before you put your baby in the tub.  Everything you think you need.  Never leave your baby in the tub, not even for what you think is one second.  If your baby slips underwater you will not know it if you are not there by his side.  Your baby will not scream for help, he cannot. When you discover your baby is underwater it may be too late.  Do not answer the phone, the door nor go see what hubby wants, do not stop and do anything for any reason while the baby is in the tub. All it takes is one second for the baby to slip underwater.  The baby seats that help babysit up in the water is not safe enough for you to leave the baby alone.  It is just to sit baby up for a minute while you bath him. 
I say do not leave a child in the tub alone until they are old enough to bathe himself without help.  My son who was a toddler I did not know then what he was trying to do but I stepped out of the bathroom right to the linen closet to get his towel.  Before I could get back to him he had gone underwater.  I heard splashing I rushed back into the bathroom with a towel in hand. He was scrambling out of the tub face wet hair soaking wet gasping.  Years later I believe he told me he wanted to see if he could swim in the tub.  You never know what thoughts cross a child's mind.   
I found this article in the Blue Cross Health Care Health Magazine and thought it was worth including in my baby care page. 

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