Childcare Ayurveda

Ayurveda, an old system of Indian medicine, gives the following advice about following (diet), vihar (lifestyle) and vichara (thought process) by pregnant women in its poor hostess.
Drink milk regularly as it is a major source of calcium, lactose, and butter fats. The fetus is nourished during the first three months of pregnancy so the diet should include a lot of liquid food like fruit juice, coconut water, milk. Be careful to reduce fat, salt, and water in the diet from the seventh month and consume rice kanji with ghee instead.
• Cereals should be one - wheat, oats, rye, dried peas, bean sprouted grains, whole grain bread, lentils, dried peas, chickpeas, soybeans contain a sufficient amount of protein. Fresh vegetables like spinach, lettuce, potato, celery, such as apple, banana, and lemon, orange, pineapple juice should be consumed. Dried fruits like dates, figs, almonds, grapes are good. Foods prepared from rice, butter, ghee, urad dal and amla, fish, and egg should be included in the diet. Avoid fried or overly salty and greasy foods.
Sleep in a safe place. Don’t travel outdoors often, have no interest in talking to strangers, don’t subject yourself to any situation that creates fear in your mind, wears loose clothing so that you are comfortable, in a vigorous physical activity Doesn't indulge, avoids smoking, alcohol and keep yourself away from sex.
• Keep in mind that eat light meals, you can eat 6 meals instead of heavy four meals, but you should eat only when you are hungry and only take home preparations, avoid any artificial chemicals, preservatives.
Keep yourself calm, and collected as it has a direct effect on your child. Use this time to be thankful to God for what he has given you in your life and meditation helps you to stay in touch with your true self and travel through the journey of pregnancy that every woman There are a very original longing and pleasure.
Shopping for Organic Baby
Care Organic Baby Care Products may seem somewhat shocking, but it's not. Keep these shopping tips in mind when searching for your baby's next diaper, toys, health product, or food.
Choosing Organic Baby Toys
When shopping for Organic Baby Toys, avoid phthalates that cause cancer and are associated with infertility. Also, keep in mind that polyvinyl chloride (also known as PVC) is found in plastic infant toys. PVC has also been linked to a number of health ailments, including cancer. Finally, consider the materials that make up the plush toy before it makes its way into the nursery. Most likely (unless otherwise indicated) stuffed animals contain synthetic fibers that contain petrochemicals. While industry standards find these acceptable, organic moms think twice about the idea of letting their children walk around with a toy that shuts off even after the toxic gas has been washed away.
Organic diapers
Switching from disposable to organic diapers is a major lifestyle change. In the long run, however, cloth diapers are not only eco-friendly but also child-friendly. Before deciding which one is best for your family, consider - Disposable diapers are full of gels, pesticides, chlorine and other toxins. These toxins can be absorbed through the baby’s skin and brought directly into the bloodstream. Once disposable diapers are thrown away, it takes up to 500 years for the landfill to break. That figure can be compared to an organic cloth diaper, which can be used 150 times and then recycled into hand streaks.
If cloth diapers are too much, consider a combination of both. You can use chlorine-free disposable diapers for outings and sleeping and reserve cloth diapers for the time you and your baby are at home. Remember, every bit helps.
Skin Care for Baby(organic)Did you know that a baby's skin is extraordinarily thinner than yours? In fact, your baby's skin is five times thinner than the average adult's. Keep in mind the fact of what to use skincare products on your baby. Refer to your pediatrician for an infant skincare product that is both safe and age-appropriate.
Organic labels
You may have already seen the USDA "Organic" label in stores and baby products. When you buy the USDA Organic Label, you are buying an item that is free of antibiotics, genetically modified organisms, food additives, pesticides, radiation, and other synthetic chemicals that are dangerous to your baby. In a variety of items, organic labels are found including cotton, skincare items and food.
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