Thursday, 9 July 2020

Natural Baby Care For Your Newborn

Natural Baby Care For Your Newborn

Woman Carrying Child in Carrier While Standing Beside Girl

These days always with new technology, we often forget that the old ways of doing things meant a lot to them and that the old fashioned techniques were more natural. This also applies to raise children. Natural methods are the best way to take care of your baby because they use no chemicals and rely on what comes to you naturally. Using fewer chemicals both at home and with your baby is a great way to get started with natural baby care.
Bath time can be a great way for you to relax a bit and spend some time. Just be careful when choosing natural baby care products. Even if a product can advertise itself as all-natural, you should read the fine print with care. Make sure all the ingredients are all really natural and there are no chemical additives.
Products like baby shampoo are not necessary to keep your baby clean. You can just use soap and water while bathing to wash your baby's hair. While some parents choose to bathe their baby in a sink or bucket, using a proper baby bathtub will help make bath time easier and more fun.
When the bath time is over, help give your baby a massage so he can sleep more easily and comfortably. Teach yourself some baby massage techniques and find out about its benefits. You will not only apply very gentle pressure to your child, but both the child and the parent will enjoy the results. Both you and your baby will get more sleep. Use natural baby care oils that will not damage your newborn's sensitive skin.
Natural baby care also involves the use of clothing made from natural fibers. Cotton is your best choice, as it is the most comfortable and breathable material for babies. Stay away from synthetic materials, which can often be uncomfortable for your baby's skin and in some cases cause allergies.
It should also be a rule to use natural fibers as soon as you go to bed. Generally, baby beds are made of natural fibers, but you should still be cautious and check the label before buying anything. And be sure to use an all-natural soap when appreciating your baby’s bedding and clothing.
A baby sling is another way to take care of your baby naturally. These tools allow you to keep your baby close to your body while your hands are still free to do other things.
First-time parents? You can probably use some good advice. Check babies for initial information to help raise your new baby Article Source
Having a baby means that you have to be very careful if you want to see him grow well. If you are a new mom who knows a little bit about baby care, you need to read this article. This will give you tips on baby care; so, read this and take advantage of it.
Feeding if you give your baby a bottle for feeding, you should make sure the bottle is clean and sterile. To clean it, you need to clean it with washing liquid then boil the bottle for 25 minutes. It can kill dangerous organisms that can affect the milk.
It is also important to choose the right clothes that you should do. In the winter season, you need to choose trousers, sweaters and other wool. The clothes that are worn in summer should be light cotton. If you use the right clothes for your baby, you can avoid irritation, so that your baby feels comfortable.

Taking a bath is not an easy task. When bathing, you should make sure that water can reach all parts of the body. You need to clean it with baby cream. It gives your baby a nice smile that will make your baby look so cute. Then, you need to apply a baby powder that can enhance the flawless look.
Having time with your child
The most important baby care tips are time and attention. You need enough time and attention for your child. It can show that you love and care for her. As you know a child has the ability to recognize people who are close to him.

Tuesday, 7 July 2020

For Your Baby's Daily Regime Homemade Organic Baby Care Products

For Your Baby's Daily Regime Homemade Organic Baby Care Products 

How to Cleanup Face at Home: Tips & 10 Natural Ingredients to Use

Baby skincare is easy to make organic products. Parents will be amazed at how easy it is to take care of the baby's skin with organic products. When creating organic skincare products, for example, all parents must really mix organic and natural ingredients together.

Some of these ingredients may require certain types of cooking but do not require expert culinary skills. A number of products can also be applied directly or require nothing at all. Also, every homemade product arrives at all hours of the day.

Organic baby products do not cost much. In fact, they can be really cheap - will not cost anything at all because these organic elements are probably growing in your backyard. Parents just need to invest in time and effort. For example, organic nappies are not only good for baby's skin, but they are also cheaper than using disposable ones. Organic skincare products made for babies are easily made and some last for many months - truly a money saver.

Let us focus on the use of All-Natural Baby Powder - take care of baby skin in an organic way. It turns out that baby powders, especially those made from talc, are really dangerous to your baby's health. Small particles of talc infant powder can cause serious respiratory problems or cancer with prolonged use. Doctors recommend just giving air to your baby's buttocks to heal the rash. Or, you can make an all-natural baby powder from a cup of arrowroot powder and a combination of each of ground dried chamomile and dried lavender. This organic baby powder keeps the baby's skin, especially around the buttocks area, dry and keeps bacteria from growing on the skin.

The essential oils used in this natural baby skincare cleaning product keep the skin moisturized and heal irritations, especially rashes. Use tea tree oil as it is a good antibacterial or antiseptic agent, making it a key ingredient in any natural baby skincare cleaning product. Calendula and aloe vera have inherent anti-inflammatory properties that are perfect for sensitive skin like babies.

An infant shampoo may not be all this because it may have traces of harmful chemicals that can get into your baby's system. Use natural shampoos influenced by organic herbs for better care of your baby’s scalp. Try making this henna shampoo as an alternative to the usual baby shampoo used on your baby. Collect a bunch of fresh rosemary, add half a pint of distilled water, 4 1/2 drops of unsaturated baby shampoo, and 4 drops of rosemary essential oil.

Use water to gently boil fresh rosemary for 30 minutes. Strain the mixture into a container, then add the essential oil and shampoo. Shake the bottle to mix the liquid well. Now you have an all-natural baby skincare cleaning product that you can safely use as a shampoo.

Organic baby care products are actually more than just commodities. With all the accessories that can quietly harm babies, they are the best option that allows parents to give a big breath of relief and be free from all baby care worries.

Saturday, 4 July 2020

Childcare Ayurveda

Childcare Ayurveda 
Toddler Wearing Head Scarf in Bed

Ayurveda, an old system of Indian medicine, gives the following advice about following (diet), vihar (lifestyle) and vichara (thought process) by pregnant women in its poor hostess.
 Drink milk regularly as it is a major source of calcium, lactose, and butter fats.  The fetus is nourished during the first three months of pregnancy so the diet should include a lot of liquid food like fruit juice, coconut water, milk. Be careful to reduce fat, salt, and water in the diet from the seventh month and consume rice kanji with ghee instead.
• Cereals should be one - wheat, oats, rye, dried peas, bean sprouted grains, whole grain bread, lentils, dried peas, chickpeas, soybeans contain a sufficient amount of protein. Fresh vegetables like spinach, lettuce, potato, celery, such as apple, banana, and lemon, orange, pineapple juice should be consumed. Dried fruits like dates, figs, almonds, grapes are good. Foods prepared from rice, butter, ghee, urad dal and amla, fish, and egg should be included in the diet. Avoid fried or overly salty and greasy foods.
Sleep in a safe place. Don’t travel outdoors often, have no interest in talking to strangers, don’t subject yourself to any situation that creates fear in your mind, wears loose clothing so that you are comfortable, in a vigorous physical activity Doesn't indulge, avoids smoking, alcohol and keep yourself away from sex.
• Keep in mind that eat light meals, you can eat 6 meals instead of heavy four meals, but you should eat only when you are hungry and only take home preparations, avoid any artificial chemicals, preservatives.
Keep yourself calm, and collected as it has a direct effect on your child. Use this time to be thankful to God for what he has given you in your life and meditation helps you to stay in touch with your true self and travel through the journey of pregnancy that every woman There are a very original longing and pleasure.

Shopping for Organic Baby 
Care Organic Baby Care Products may seem somewhat shocking, but it's not. Keep these shopping tips in mind when searching for your baby's next diaper, toys, health product, or food.

Choosing Organic Baby Toys
When shopping for Organic Baby Toys, avoid phthalates that cause cancer and are associated with infertility. Also, keep in mind that polyvinyl chloride (also known as PVC) is found in plastic infant toys. PVC has also been linked to a number of health ailments, including cancer. Finally, consider the materials that make up the plush toy before it makes its way into the nursery. Most likely (unless otherwise indicated) stuffed animals contain synthetic fibers that contain petrochemicals. While industry standards find these acceptable, organic moms think twice about the idea of ​​letting their children walk around with a toy that shuts off even after the toxic gas has been washed away.

Organic diapers
Switching from disposable to organic diapers is a major lifestyle change. In the long run, however, cloth diapers are not only eco-friendly but also child-friendly. Before deciding which one is best for your family, consider - Disposable diapers are full of gels, pesticides, chlorine and other toxins. These toxins can be absorbed through the baby’s skin and brought directly into the bloodstream. Once disposable diapers are thrown away, it takes up to 500 years for the landfill to break. That figure can be compared to an organic cloth diaper, which can be used 150 times and then recycled into hand streaks.

If cloth diapers are too much, consider a combination of both. You can use chlorine-free disposable diapers for outings and sleeping and reserve cloth diapers for the time you and your baby are at home. Remember, every bit helps.
 Skin Care for Baby(organic)Did you know that a baby's skin is extraordinarily thinner than yours? In fact, your baby's skin is five times thinner than the average adult's. Keep in mind the fact of what to use skincare products on your baby. Refer to your pediatrician for an infant skincare product that is both safe and age-appropriate.

Organic labels
You may have already seen the USDA "Organic" label in stores and baby products. When you buy the USDA Organic Label, you are buying an item that is free of antibiotics, genetically modified organisms, food additives, pesticides, radiation, and other synthetic chemicals that are dangerous to your baby. In a variety of items, organic labels are found including cotton, skincare items and food.

Tips for Newborn Babies' Care

Tips for Newborn Babies' Care

Baby in White Onesie Holding Wooden Blocks

First of all, congratulations for your little bundle of joy. Whether you are a first-time mom or a second, the feeling is of holding your lovely little fairy in your arms. This time is very precious. You will think about it later and everyone will become indifferent about it. Trust me about that. I know you are struggling with body size and lack of sleep. But really, it's worth it. This time there is actually a halo around a mother's head. So much care, so much love, so much dreaming - only a mother can do. And Daddy too (why should I leave Dad now?) Here are some observations you might somehow see in the net or with a trusted friend or relative. These are still helping.

Here goes: The perfect massage oil for baby
Are 3-4 different oils kept in the baby’s cupboard? In fact, it is the question of which oil to use that bothers us all. So what is the answer? First of all, never mix oil while massaging. Maybe you're thinking that this will double the profit. But no. Nothing will happen.
Here's an easy guide: olive oil and mustard oil are ideal for winter; Ayurveda oils are gentler; Almond oil is healthy for skin and hair but expensive; Coconut oil has anti-bacterial properties and can also be used on balms to avoid nappies.

Abdominal pain
The way children cry when their stomach hurts, every parent sheds a bucket of tears. You will know this when the baby cries a lot and just does not get tired. Ideally, you should make her a burden and avoid bloating foods like refined flour, sweets, etc., but if the baby is crying do not consult your doctor and give proper medicine in the dose prescribed by the doctor. You can also apply asafoetida paste around her navel - not on it. You can bend her legs and gently press her knees to her chest.  There is no fixed number with hidden closed hoods
Frills and lace hoods look good - but not a baby. A child is a curious person who is seeing the world for the first time. Let him take a good look at the beautiful world in which he has come. Let him see people and places and trees and flowers. Don’t pull the hood over her head - it’s dark and scary.

Everyone gets nervous while biting
Baby’s nails. Stop moving your hands. Do not close your eyes tightly. Just take a deep breath and start squeezing her nails. Either with baby scissors or that cute little nail-cutter. Just don’t clip her nails too far. When the little fairy is sleeping, it is best to clip her nails.
Spread your fingers under the baby’s head while holding it
The baby's head is soft. Don’t wear rings and bracelets that can be uncomfortable under her head. Make sure your fingers are not sticking too tightly around her head. The cool hand is the ideal touch.
Take her out for a walk. Morning and evening walks are good for the baby. Let him breathe in the fresh air. It will also work wonders for new moms. Talk to him, he loves you for it nursery Rhymes or plain irritability. Talk to your child. She will look at you as if she understands everything. She starts smiling especially when you notice. Your voice is soothing him. Talk to him
Don’t over-sheets - if you’re cold, have a baby; if you are sweating, that is it
A common mistake parents make is to cover the newborn with sheets and sheets - piles of them. Keep the baby warm but not warm. Rashes may develop on her skin. The baby will feel the changes of the weather just like you. So don't overdo it. Try to maintain the ideal room temperature.

Massage her underarms, neck, soles, and palms
Most of the underarms, neck, soles of her short legs, and her small palms are forgotten while massaging. Gently rub oil on these areas too. Dirt collects easily here so clean these areas thoroughly.
Don’t be surprised if you have red discharge in his urine
It is common for newborn girls to have red discharge in their urine. This is the return of uric acid crystals or maternal hormones. But if it has heavy bleeding or fever, consult a doctor immediately.
Dip your elbow to check the water temperature while bathing her. While bathing her, check the water temperature first
. An easy test is to dip your elbow and see what it looks like.
• The shape of his head will recover on its own. Don't worry if the
The Baby’s head is not the right round shape. It all goes well within a year. If you wish, you can put him to sleep in a different position.

Friday, 3 July 2020

How much Sleep do Children need

How much Sleep do Children need

Baby Sleeping on White Cotton

Children often argue with Mom and Dad when it is time for them to go to bed at night or even take a nap:  "I'm not sleepy."   Well here is a chart I made with information I got from Dr McGeorge on our local channel 4 news on how much sleep children actually need according to their ages. 
 1 to 3
 12 to 14 hours include naps
 3 to 5
 11 to 13 hours naps included
 5 to 12
 10 to 11 hours 
 9 + hours a minimum of 9 hours
Sleeping in on the weekends to catch up on sleep does help. So there you have it. Do not let your children tell you otherwise. Lack of proper sleep can lead to childhood obesity. Which can contribute to other health problems in children? Sleep really is important.
Potty Training updated
There are so many products out there to help new mothers with potty training it is really not that complicated. There is even the potty dance to go with the new products. I have found the best thing for potty training is to start as early as 18 months for girls and no later than 2 years for boys. Your child has to be old enough to verbalize their need to go potty for your training to be effective. Also, their bodies and mind have to mature to learn to develop the ability to control their bladder and bowels.  I am not in the mindset to let the child decide when is best for him or her to potty train themselves. The earlier you start with bladder control with your children the better you develop self-control and self-esteem in your child. You have to train your child to control his bladder you cannot wait for him or her to tell you when he or she has to use the potty. I am in the mindset that the old fashion training pants are the best thing for potty training your children. They are enough thick not to soak through their clothes. If you can still find them in the stores. If the child feels the wetness they will stop the stream and feel uncomfortable. If they have on a pair of the undies that hold the moisture with plastic outside like diapers hey let mom change me when I wet. Ultimately you can make your own choice of what you want to use.
The method I used that worked.  It took 2 days to train my youngest son. My mom helped me to train my eldest son. My mom did not live long enough to help with my youngest son.  I used this technique. You will have to devote a 2 day weekend away from the job do not go anywhere. To me, it is worth it.  During this time, spend time reading to your child, playing games.  Use this day as mommy and baby time.  Devote your whole 2 days to your child you will see why when I explain.   Do not try to go anywhere during this 2 day period.  It will be best not to have an additional company.  It is real simple:
Give your child: milk, 100 % fruit juice any kind, and water in between meals throughout each of the 2 day period.  DO NOT give your child soda/pop or unhealthy sugary drinks.  Set a timer to go off every hour.  When the timer goes off sit your child on the potty for 10 minutes, no longer than 15 minutes.  If he potties in between the timer going off, don't despair reset the timer for 1 hour again.  Your child will then learn to release his/her bladder thus learning to hold fluid in his bladder.  After 2 days while you are out a check, ask your child if he/she has to potty.  They may forget to tell you.  Make your child aware of themself of the issue of potting, when they have to go or not have to go.  If they forget and have an accident, do not spank them.  Above all, if they say they have to go potty please take them, even if you think they don't have to go.  I have seen too many accidents happen because the parent though the child really did not have to go or made the child wait too long.  I know some children will tell a fib and say they have to go when they don't have to.  Take them anyway.  Most times when I see that happen is when the child is on an extended shopping trip with mommy and they really don't want to be shopping.   So does that tell you, something mommy?  I never had that problem with my children.  To this day I do not like to go shopping, so my sons did not have that big of a problem with being out with me shopping for hours at a time.  At night you may want to still put a diaper or pull-ups on your child until he/she sleeps through the night and wakes up dry the next morning.
Actually, when you start potty training your child it is the same method for boys and girls in the beginning. To potty train, a boy is a bit more challenging than training a girl child. The reason, we girls sit on the potty/toilet to do numbers one and two. After you train a boy on the cute little potty chair then you have to go to the next stage to teach him to hold his bowels and stand and tinkle in the middle of the toilet after you have taught him to sit and do both with a shield in front to catch everything. To stand to hold themselves aim and then tinkle inside the toilet, they may have accidents and do both while standing at the toilet.  If they do don't despair they eventually get it.  My Mom and Dad passed this method on to me. They raised 4 boys and 3 girls, I'd say they had a lot of practice and developed a good method.  I was old enough to see my Mom potty train my younger brother and sister so I saw their method work for first hand. I was eleven years old when my youngest sister was born and 12 when my youngest brother was born. They are the special two youngest ones in our family.
When your child does go in the potty, cheer gives them praise makes a big deal of it.   This helps to give them encouragement to do it again and again. When they have an accident just say awe you will get it next time.  If when you do start to potty train if your child does not get it and balks,  put the chair away and wait a few days or a couple of weeks and start again.

Babycare Bath time

Babycare Bath time

Baby Wearing White Red and Black T Shirt

A new baby is a big challenge and an awesome responsibility!  A baby is the greatest gift that you can ever have! Your child is your living legacy, your bloodline the continuing of your family tree! Your baby should be your pride and joy! The apple of your eye!  Babies are precious!  Babies are defenseless and helpless creatures.  Our job is to nurture, protect, and raise them to become productive adult human beings.  They are our future.  Raise them to pay backward and forward.  That paves the way for their future generation while taking care of the previous generation (older parents) when they/we too become old, senile, or just helpless.  
I have raised two beautiful babies, they are now two productive grown young men.  I was raised by two beautiful parents, both have passed on. I returned my love by being one of the ones who took care of my Dad in his last days.  Our Dad took care of our Mom her last days.  The beautiful part was the awesome love and assistance the grandchildren and their spouses played in taking care of Dad/Granddad.  When Dad had to have his personal hygiene changed, he sheepishly looked up at my eldest brother and said (with dad's unique humor)” This is payback."  All my brother could do is laugh.  I have taken care of the parent’s page on this site at
When you bring your bundle of joy home from the hospital you may be given a packet of literature with parents magazines included along with coupons.  Do take the time to read the magazines that are included in your hospital packet it will give you a wealth of knowledge of information very interesting to read. It will well worth your time reading it. If it is in your budget subscribe to at least a year’s subscription to a parenting magazine. 
Your New Arrival!
This tiny little bundle is placed into your hands!  Those bright eyes look at you it is love at first sight!  To the mom's you know that your baby has heard your voice, your heartbeat, and experienced your every emotion.  Baby ate what you ate.  Actually baby got his/hers first then you got what was left.  That is why it is important for you to follow a sensible diet while pregnant.  It has been noted that if you don't get enough calcium baby will take from your teeth and bones to get his calcium to develop.   Now that baby is here how I take care of this tiny little creature.  Perfect tiny little toes eyes ears nose!  What do I do?  Actually, your maternal instants do and will kick in don’t worry.  When my boys were small I hardly slept the first six weeks of their life making sure they were breathing through the night. Do you put the baby on his stomach to sleep?  Do you put him on his back to sleep?  One thing I must say, never, ever put the baby in the bed with you to sleep. 
When I was employed, in my field of work I had a client who had just had a new baby, I added the baby to her case. From all indications, she appeared to be a good mother. I felt that I may have known her family, grandparents, because of her Surname (last name) I never pressed the issue to see if I knew any of her relatives.  On my last day of work, someone from our intake staff came to tell me that the baby's grandmother was in for burial for the new baby.   What the grandmother had told my colleague my client had the baby sleeping in bed with her.  She had rolled over onto the baby in her sleep and suffocated the baby.  My heart went out to the family.    I had just had my on the job injury and was waiting to be taken to the state clinic.  Even in that moment of my pain, I was awash with grief for my client.
 I cannot stress it enough never ever place a newborn baby in the bed to sleep with you.  
Bath Time
This time is really bonding time for you and baby.  Of course there is the baby bathtub which is essential to bathe baby in.  Gather everything you need first before you put your baby in the tub.  Everything you think you need.  Never leave your baby in the tub, not even for what you think is one second.  If your baby slips underwater you will not know it if you are not there by his side.  Your baby will not scream for help, he cannot. When you discover your baby is underwater it may be too late.  Do not answer the phone, the door nor go see what hubby wants, do not stop and do anything for any reason while the baby is in the tub. All it takes is one second for the baby to slip underwater.  The baby seats that help babysit up in the water is not safe enough for you to leave the baby alone.  It is just to sit baby up for a minute while you bath him. 
I say do not leave a child in the tub alone until they are old enough to bathe himself without help.  My son who was a toddler I did not know then what he was trying to do but I stepped out of the bathroom right to the linen closet to get his towel.  Before I could get back to him he had gone underwater.  I heard splashing I rushed back into the bathroom with a towel in hand. He was scrambling out of the tub face wet hair soaking wet gasping.  Years later I believe he told me he wanted to see if he could swim in the tub.  You never know what thoughts cross a child's mind.   
I found this article in the Blue Cross Health Care Health Magazine and thought it was worth including in my baby care page. 

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Popularity of Natural Baby Care Products

 Popularity of Natural Baby Care Products
Emerging Market For Natural Baby Care Products

Whether you are a new or more experienced parent, of course, you want the best for your child. Today, natural baby care tools show a lot of respect, including organic treatments because more and more people who treat their children with things like traditional medicine are recognizing the benefits of herbs. New baby care products are released in the market all the time, but you may have noticed that natural baby care products are becoming more and more popular. Why is that

Whenever possible, natural baby care products are the best way to take care of your baby. These products come in many different forms. Undoubtedly the most important is the food that your child eats. Next, skin products should be natural baby care products, as these products are somehow "ingested"; For example, they are either absorbed through the skin or swallowed when your child puts his hand in his mouth.

Where should you get your natural baby care products? When shopping online, you should only buy baby food that comes from the official web site of a well-known brand. If you’re shopping at your local grocery store, check out the food brands that you know best and are probably the most popular. If a particular brand is on sale, make sure that, first of all, the expiration date of that particular meal is not at hand. Again, make sure it's a popular brand and you're just getting a good deal. It happens, and if it does, it's good for you. Of course, your first concern is for your child's health, however, not the money you save. If in doubt, do not buy it.

Because some babies may have trouble digesting food, make sure the natural baby food products you buy are easy to digest fruits and vegetables. Ask your pediatrician if any of your small grains, dairy, and such potentially allergenic foods are ready. If not, avoid these.

When you take care of your baby's skin, you can choose from many natural products. Probably one of the most important skincare products for your baby is diaper rash cream. Many brand-name diaper rash ointments contain potentially harmful substances such as petroleum jelly. A better and more natural option is to choose a diaper rash cream that has an Aloe Vera base. Aloe Vera also helps to heal minor cuts and burns.

You can find natural baby care skin products at various locations. One of the easiest ways to shop for natural baby care skin products is online. If you go online, you can research a particular brand that you like before you buy it. In some cases, you can also buy online; or visit your local drug or department store, or a specialty store such as Baby Boutique. Whatever you choose, a little homework and some careful planning will help you buy just the products you need.

To answer your questions about these baby care basics, you can consult a virtual library of baby care books. Since natural baby care products are so readily available, parents interested in using these products should have no problem finding them. It’s a good idea to research and hit some of these products even before the hand hurts.

Nutritious Bites For My First Baby

  Nutritious Bites For My First Baby Children certainly cannot live on milk alone. Even though it is necessary to feed your little one with ...